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Old 05-06-2024, 08:03 AM   #15
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by riderjoe View Post
It's interesting to observe the surge in forum activity. This uptick could indeed reflect a growing interest in more affordable transportation options like China bikes. The fact that forums, considered somewhat old-fashioned, are experiencing such engagement is noteworthy. It would be intriguing to see if this trend correlates with increased sales for sellers, especially with certain models being in high demand. This rise in forum activity could potentially serve as a barometer for economic conditions and changing consumer preferences.
The forum resurgence was bound to happen. They offer something unique that no social media site can match - organized, archived information with a collected knowledge base to draw from. Facebook, Instagram, X, etc are all great for immediate information, but you also open yourself up to a plethora of "experts" all giving out false information and bad advice. Forums are just better places to learn and gather information. Forums are better for build logs that people can follow, better for trouble shooting and problem solving in a more controlled manner, and allow for much MUCH greater detail than the limited text counts and weird formats that can make things hard to follow with disjointed conversation.

The only reason they were seen as "old fashioned" is because every generation views how people did things in the previous generation and find them "archaic" and believe that old must be worse. The smart people in those generations figure out that things were done a way for a reason, and that those reasons have real value. I can use guns as an example. Iron sights are about as old school as it gets, and most younger people want red dots, holo sights, etc. because they are "high tech" and offer some advantages. All of those same younger people also figured out that iron sights are hard to break/damage and don't run out of battery.
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