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Old 05-02-2024, 08:54 AM   #1
XLsior   XLsior is online now
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I'm noticing a massive spike of forum users/visits

Most users online ever hit 11k+ last weekend no?

Is it a sign of the times..?
Are people are looking for cheaper forms of transport and the China bikes are meeting that market need/ interest enough where people are doing research and hitting the forums...

Considering that the web forum is almost archaic compared to other media access points its actually interesting to see the user uplift.

Would be interesting to know if sellers are making more sales...I recall reading the templars were getting long listed and sold out at times...

So would you call it a sign of the times perhaps...a barometer of a stifling economy it seems.

Just something I noticed looking on the main page and thought I'd make mention of it

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