I removed the link while lowering the 2022 5 speed Templar X.
You have to remove the rear brake to remove the front mounting bolt, but it isn't much work.
I did this to get dimensions to begin the quest for a compatible lowering link in aftermarket. THe dimensions are in the next post. This one is about the removal.
Feel free to search, or take these dimensions to your local Honda dealership (or anywhere!) and see if they have lowering links to measure dimensions. Or order one if you are feeling lucky.
-Place a center stand under the motor and get the rear wheel unweighted so the link isn't under stress. That's just touching the ground, so the shock isn't getting compressed or holding up the swingarm.
-The rear mounting bolt has a locking nut on the left side, and the left mount is threaded as well, so remove the nut, then unscrew the bolt.
I used a rod to tap it out after clearing the threads.
-Do you see the lower chain roller? That roller is held on the extension from the front mounting bolt. It won't be removable until you remove the bolt from the right side, but loosen the nut of the threads for now.
-The nut on the bolt needs to be held in place while you remove the bolt. I propped the combination wrench on a 12" 4x4 so I didn't have to hold it while I removed the bolt from the other side. It is partially obscured behind the chain in the photo:
Here is the right side (brake lever removed).
The bushing rides on needle bearings, as you would expect. I will post dimensions in the next post.