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Old 03-13-2024, 04:15 PM   #1
superjocko   superjocko is online now
Join Date: Aug 2022
Location: Lincoln CA
Posts: 120
TT250 oil cooler mount

I'm in the process of mounting up the oil cooler on my bike and have decided to mount it mostly inside the left fairing area and reasonably close to the front downtube. The existing mounting points for the tank shrouds crossbar and the evaporative emissions canister can make for a nice mounting spot with a little (well, kind of a lot) reshaping of the bracket that came with the cooler. Here are a few pics of the progress last night. I'll update this thread with the additional work on the bracket and the finished product when all is said and done. As you can see by these pics, it's just a bunch of hacking and grinding on the bracket at this point, but I promise it'll look almost like a factory piece when I'm done with it. For reference, the last picture shows what the bracket started out looking like. As for the canister, while I could eliminate it completely and just run the tank vent hose down under the bike, I may look into relocating it to the inside of the airbox and run the hoses to it through rubber grommets to keep the airbox sealed. I'll have to see on that project some time down the road.
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