Originally Posted by AJ22_ChinaRider
The GPX is a good brand, I believe. Someone in our club was riding a lot - on others' bikes, rentals at resorts (ATL area has at least 3 in its vicinity). Then he went and got a higher powered GPX (450?) and that's the last we saw of him ...
Well, here's my thinking (right or wrong?) - why I walked from GPX (and TrailMaster, too, now that we're discussing such choices). Each dealer says all the '
right' support stuff; they
know what to say. Some mean it ... and deliver on it; others ... ?
How do WE know one from the other? Forums ...
like this ... are all we've got - with low-volume vehicles (of any type, really). I couldn't find anything - no discussion, forum etc.
Yes, these days one could find 'anything' on the Internet - somewhere; but, it's more than just parts; it's all the ancillary knowledge/experiences, too.
So, I asked myself, "Do you want to ride it? ... or make a hobby/life caring for it, nursing it ... and hoping for it?"
The answer is: YOUR choice!