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Old 12-08-2023, 08:19 AM   #8
XLsior   XLsior is offline
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If you're doing mostly off road then you want the torque of a lower gear ratio.

For general road speed limits and taller gear ratios that accommodate the transmission spread.

However you need to factor in what the engine is actually capable of. The Good ole boy test basically expressed that a 42 rear is too small when paired with a 17t front because the engine power band cant transmit the energy effectively.

If you live on flat roads 17/45 seems feasible...but as soon as you hit a hill with enough gradient you will find yourself dropping gears to find the power band...

I'm running 16/44 which has me dropping back to 4th gear on steep hills. But i still have the option of stepping up to a 17t front if I want to cover distance travel...
17t being the largest front sprocket that will fit 428 chain.

I wouldn't bother with trying to pin 65pmh as a metric....the engines are happier at 55mph.

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