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Old 11-18-2023, 11:30 PM   #25
Bikenut   Bikenut is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2023
Location: Near Saginaw Mich.
Posts: 178
I read this discussion and now I will toss in my 2 cents..... like it or don't... doesn't matter because I'm speaking for me and me alone.

Long ago I decided that since death was inevitable I only had two choices.. I could worry about my health taking great care of my body with eating healthy, exercising regularly, and avoiding any risky activities. Then one day I would die.

Or I could enjoy life with lots of great tasting food indulging in alcohol sometimes, lots of sex, riding my motorcycles, playing with my cars, and just actually living life without worrying about how long I might... or might not... live. And then one day I would die.

Well, I'm 75 years old and I'm still alive thanks to doctors using stents and a pacemaker. I've loved, been loved, still love deeply and am loved and still (thanks to doctors using modern surgical techniques) making love. I have, and still do, eat and drink what the hell ever I want when I want. I will have a drink occasionally and maybe more at home if I want. I ride sport bikes a bit too fast and take my cars on those same twisty roads often playing close to the edge. And one day I will die.

To each his own but when I do die I will know that........ I actually LIVED before I died.

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