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Old 10-23-2023, 10:52 AM   #6
zero_dgz   zero_dgz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 257
The Raven is made by Bashan, right? Isn't it just the BSR250 they've been making forever, just rebranded?

If so, it's mechanically identical to the Hawk. I have one, everything that fits the Hawk fits it as well. The major difference (or at least it was, back when I bought mine) is that the Bashan is 49 state street legal and the Hawk is one of those "for off road use" bikes that get by on the technicality that some states will plate a dirt bike with a headlight and blinkers.

My state is NOT one of those states, so I bought the Bashan instead. You may have also inadvertently made the right choice there, but I don't know how strict Oklahoma is.

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