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Old 08-07-2023, 04:23 PM   #2
Bob Kelly   Bob Kelly is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Location: Weed, California.
Posts: 271
Outboardr ! sorry this site does not notify me of replys and I forget to check !
to answer your question.... Yes the supertrap muffler is quite loud.... too loud for my liking and I am thinking about buying a $39.95 muffler to replace it with because of that !
A while back I took the XR650L way up the mountian and made it all the way to bluff lake
and the last 3 miles was a cat trail.... not good enough to be a jeep trail as it was really a hard ride.... but I made it..... fished a bit....found no fish in the lake at all but it was fin anyway.... by the time I got home my butt was really hurting !.... I think I will spend the money and buy a good seat for it !
..... I haven't been back on the bike sense and it's been about a month ! although I do keep fiddling with the speedo trying to get it to read right.... seems they don't adjust fine enough for all wheel sizes ! I guess I should'a got a vapor instead of the Samdo
but the vapor cost about 4 times as much .... so it will do ! LOL
It's too late when you've gone too far !

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