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Old 06-12-2023, 05:55 AM   #9
JoeKahno   JoeKahno is offline
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Sport Rider View Post
my buddy lost a valve when riding in Colorado. He wasn't really happy I suggested chinabikes to him. the problem is that workmanship and quality are all over the place on these bikes. We used to always talk about this with cars. don't buy one that was made on Friday or Monday.
I've known several people who sourced products from China for resale. You can work it either way, give them a list of features and let them compete on price or give them a price point to hit and let them compete on features. One thing you have to nail down is the acceptable scrap count, what percentage of unmarketable crap you can tolerate. If you're trying to establish a brand you can't allow your customer to get saddled with a lemon. You have to decide if you are willing to pay a little more to make sure it never gets in the shipping container, or if you would rather eat the cost of an occasional unit after the customer has a bad experience. It can be really tough to strike the proper balance.

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