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Old 05-07-2023, 10:27 PM   #40
zero_dgz   zero_dgz is offline
Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 275
Yammie Noob specifically is a twerp, and I don't advise that anyone support him. He head-on collided with somebody's Porche while riding like an idiot a while ago, back in 2017 or something, and his behavior following that really had to be seen to be believed. Despite the entire ordeal being completely his fault, he had the chutzpah to go begging his viewers for money afterwards and released a video basically making fun of the guy whose car he wrecked. Get out your Googlemachine if you want to, and type in "yammie noob porche crash."

He knows very little about bikes and just makes clickbaity, nearly contentless videos full of stereotyping, hyperbole, and misinformation.

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