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Old 05-04-2023, 11:03 AM   #8
Wild Dog   Wild Dog is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Argentina
Posts: 756
That's an issue with chinese motorcycles sold in the US, they are given to the end user in a crate. That crate is meant to be given to a dealership, where they put the motorcycle together.
Give him a crated BMW, he will face the same issues, chains to tight, brakes that drag, parts that are torqued.. That's because the product is not ready to be given to the end user.

We are living in a time where companies must put labels like "WARNING MAY CONTAIN COW'S MILK" to a milk jug. So expecting the average user being able to do the final setup of ANY motorcycle is just silly.

Then it comes the "reliability" part, he has no idea, yet he talks, there are folks out there that have rode more kms or miles in their chinese motorcycles than yammie did in his whole life.

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