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Old 02-22-2023, 12:43 PM   #6
Flashesbuck   Flashesbuck is offline
Join Date: Jan 2023
Posts: 16
After digging for a few days, I cannot seem to find hoops at a reasonable price, let alone the other parts to rebuild the rims. I did find these sizes on AliExpress but the hoops alone would be around 300 shipped to me, and does not include the spokes or nuts.
The next best option I found would be to buy the cheapest set of new supermoto rim kit on eBay (around $425), and just replace the hubs with those from the KPX. This is taking a chance that the spokes would be the correct length/size. It's also assuming I would be able to true up the rim properly. I, myself have never done so. It doesn't look that hard, just time consuming assuming you have the proper tools.

I just placed an order for some Ninja 250 rims, rotors and cushdrive. I also went ahead and picked up the axles from the same bike, mainly because the seller was including the spacers on the axles and they were only a few bucks. I still need tires, but that can come later. All in less than $200 (again without tires) shipped to my door. Not bad. I believe the sprocket is at least the correct size.

Ill keep posting updates as I try to adapt parts over. I may try to use as much Ninja parts as possible as Kawasaki stuff is actually more available and cheaper.

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