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Old 12-04-2022, 12:32 PM   #39
tknj99   tknj99 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Central VA
Posts: 1,259
So today we miscalculated our fuel reserves and both the Brozz and Templar started stalling during our rides, and we both flipped to reserve. The Templar only went about 5 miles before bogging out and forcing us off the highway. I was able to have my son wait with my bike while i rode his another mile to the closest gas station and filled up. Luckily i found a discarded soda bottle in the recycle bin, shaked out all remaining soda and then filled with about .41 worth of gas.. enough for me to get the Templar started and to the gas station. So from completely out of gas to full she took 2.1 gallonns.
Keep this in mind if you ever start running out of gas that the reserve is very little on these bikes and the position for reserve by the way is arrow pointed DOWN.
2024 Zuma Storm 150 DLX
2019 Beta 430 RRS
2018 VStrom 1000 XT

Former China Bikes: Tao DBX1, Brozz 250, CSC RX4, Titan DLX, Templar X

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