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Old 08-10-2022, 08:54 AM   #25
Bruces   Bruces is offline
Join Date: May 2018
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I noticed nobody responding has said anything about the bike being bought used with 1500 miles on the clock ,so there is no way to know how the bike was treated before Jay got his hands on it ,then a pack of wild thieves stole it and had their way with it before it was found in pristine condition with a full tank of gas and new tires .I am not trying to pile on to the conversation but with at least two totally unknown owners and riders we really do not know just how badly the bike was treated .
On another note ,who cares about the fuel level gauge ?isit too hard to look in the gas tank to see what’s inside ? It’s honestly an unneeded accessory that bikes have done without for over 100 years ,how lazy have we become ?
I would just install your new tank and go if you are uncomfortable re installing the fuel cock .

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