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Old 06-09-2022, 08:32 PM   #83
China Rider 27   China Rider 27 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: PNW
Posts: 982
Ferrous metal stuck to Magnetic Drain Plug.

Drain plug clean off. While on the plug it looked like big pieces of sharp shards but when cleaned off we see it is composed of small pieces and metal soup. As the metal attaches to the magnet, it grows like a cave stalagmite.

Oil screen clean out, very clean except for one piece appears to be plastic maybe a gasket piece and one piece of metal.

Oil residue review. A big change, the small reflective aluminum appearing pieces are almost nonexistent. The small reflective particles suggestive of clutch friction disc material are also greatly reduced. One piece of plastic or hylomar is seen. This sample did not sit overnight but only for about 4 hours draining before analysis which does bring in to question on the aluminum as the oil was left draining overnight into a larger tub and there appeared to be some reflective pieces in the small amount (couple of tsp) that drained out overnight.

Thoughts at 500 miles

The last 60 or 70 miles the engine and clutch seemed by feel to be functioning smoother.

What the Team learned:

1) Changing the oil removes contaminants, but costs some money and time.

2) At around 90 to 109 miles the bike picked up 3 or 4 miles per hour at 6000 rpm. Ring break in or just a tight motor loosening up?

3) If the Team could only make one oil change from startup to 500 miles the best time would be at 100 miles or 4 hours total operation and should include cleaning the oil screen.

4) Magnetic drain plugs work very well at trapping and removing ferrous metal particles from oil circulation.

5) Using quality oil feels good! Especially after analyzing oil contaminants!

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