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Old 06-07-2022, 10:41 AM   #5
tpelle   tpelle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 47
Now what would be cool is, on top of that flat bed, build a compact camper shell. Make a mini motorhome out of it. Of course, with only a 40 mph top speed, it would have limited practicality.

Also, regarding being a three-wheeled vehicle, the least stable version is with the single wheel in front. As you negotiate a corner, the vector of momentum is diagonally off to the outside of the curve, and it will tend to flip you onto your ear. That's why they outlawed those three wheel ATVs with one wheel in the front. They earned the reputation of being death traps.

But back to the top speed issue, I'd like to see what one looks like underneath. Notice they have a pretty substantial frame under there. I bet there would be room to install an additional set of sprockets on jackshafts to increase the final drive ratio for a bit more speed. Or, of course, just install a bigger motor. Some sort of parallel twin.

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