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Old 03-28-2022, 05:27 PM   #13
ExMxer   ExMxer is offline
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Originally Posted by TominMO View Post
So apparently we have stumbled upon an alternative to Ex-Lax. Excrement I mean excellent. The only solution is to give him something that promotes constipation, like a fruitcake or something.
I'm so sorry to hear of the extreme shitter splatter episode the little pooch is going through. The only sure fire cure I can think of offhand comes to me after watching my neighbors dog tear into an accidently dropped bag of groceries. His wife was carrying about 3 bags too many at once, and one hit the ground as she was stepping into the patio door. I was on the mower at the time, and saw the whole thing, not too concerned figuring she would quickly grab the sack she dropped. I guess she quickly had to use the ladies room, and afterward went to look for the missing sack. What she found was a full grown mutt face deep into this bag, going like hell. He literally ate an entire block of Velveeta, and a part of some butter pecan ice cream. For the next 3 days, this poor animal just wandered around whimpering. Just before they were going to take Spot to the vet, he let out a scream that was indeed of intense ouch.... Bless his heart, the damn finally burst. He looked as if he were trying to pass a Buick Roadmaster out of his ass, feet anchored to ground preparing for the intial blast. Nose up, tail up, in the full on attack position, the eagle finally landed. Upon completion of his quest, he went into a celebratory full speed sprint around his yard lasting at least 15 minutes, then falling over into a full, solid nap to rest his body after the obvious hell he'd been through. To this day, Spot runs like hell if he even gets a whiff of anything cheese related.......
So, try cheese. just not 2.5 lbs of it.........

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