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Old 03-28-2022, 10:41 AM   #9
tpelle   tpelle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 47
Is the KenBar Inn still there? My uncle worked for the Hilton Hotel chain and would travel around the country to wherever they were building a new hotel. He would be the project manager during the construction and furnishing/decorating stage, then would stay on as hotel manager while they hired and trained the staff. The KenBar Inn at LBL was his last job before he retired.

I recall that he facade of the lobby area of the building was brick, and the architect designed it so that the bricks were laid up in a sort of wavy pattern. He said the biggest problem he had was in finding bricklayers who would lay the bricks in that pattern, as they thought that people would think they were just poor bricklayers, and it would ruin their reputation!

Anyway, I think he stayed on in that area and worked for a while for the State as park commissioner at the State Park. Eventually he moved to Florida and stayed there, at a house bordering the golf course , for the remainder of his life.

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