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Old 02-18-2022, 09:48 PM   #25
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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Originally Posted by Boatguy View Post
Do you think it’s still technique?
It's one of those "all of the above" things. Tires will always matter to some degree. In your case a more aggressive tire may help alleviate some of your issues, but no matter how good the tools you have are, being able to use those tools is also just as important.

My sand experience is hit or miss, but it's rare for me to find DEEP sand, so when I do I have the same issues as you do, and regardless of what tires I have had on my Hawk or what air pressures I run, I still struggle. That mostly has to do with my skills being limited.

My "off road" riding consists more of unpaved farm tracks, gravel dual track, and occasional single track trails. I deal more with dust, gravel, and clay - wet or dry than I ever do with sand, and that heavy wet clay is a nightmare even with knobby tires. It just packs on and sticks, and without the wheel speed to clear them, it's like riding on ice. That goes back to the power thing. These CG motors are fun torquey little things, but they lack a bit in the right kind of power delivery for certain scenarios - deep sand and sticky wet clay being the two most notable.
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