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Old 08-03-2021, 07:01 PM   #31
Cheapascanb   Cheapascanb is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Wyoming
Posts: 38
So I got the apollo fairly well jetted and tuned yesterday~ starts easy, idles good, good throttle response. Also yesterday got everything on both bikes fastened to my liking and lock tite on the key areas. The xpro needs a diff carb and jets but those parts are not yet on hand. Took both bikes to a local recreational track today. I put a couple laps on the xpro and the rear is too soft, but overall very manageable even with the throttle response being off. The Apollo felt a lot better overall in the ride department over whoops, small jumps, and off the berm... also being jetted more close to what it needs the Apollo felt like an altogether different engine than the xpro. I imagine the xpro will feel a lot better once I adjust the rear shock and get another carb on it.

Cons today:
The xpro:
Stock clutch and front brake pedals have bolts in them to adjust the pull at the grip and, although seemingly a nice touch, I am not a fan. Even with two nuts and thread lock the front brake lever adjusting screw worked loose and fell out on my son.
The xpro has a cheap shitty fuse under the seat that shit the bed about 45 mins into the ride. This ended the ride for that bike today, but we grabbed some 30A name brand fuses on the way home and will add those to the tool kit for future rides.

The Apollo:
For today there were zero real issues aside from I am going to adjust the chain a bitter tighter than what the sticker on the bike recommends as it just seems a bit loose to me and slaps around a bit, yes I added a new lower chain guard so it wasnt that. The Apollo went about 90 mins or so of laps around the park(whoops, berms, small jumps etc) up and into 4th gear wide open. One prob a bit too much over the main track jump of about 6-8 ft with a couple feet of air, no problem.
Overall The appolo is a pain in the ass to work on as the plastics dont fit well and are a bitch to get on and off the bike. Additionally, the frame design makes getting a carb on or off a chore.

More to come as stuff develops, or mods happen. For now, I am happy with the value to fun ratio of both bikes and expect both to hold up fine for trail riding which is what we really go them for. The track today was to get a feel for the bikes and just see how they hold up. Really glad I decided to go to that park and didn't head off into the national forest without a pocket full of fuses ~~~ that would have really sucked.

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