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Old 07-12-2021, 09:39 PM   #5
PandorasJuiceBox   PandorasJuiceBox is offline
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Holt, MI
Posts: 14
Okay, an update. I've got about 300 miles on this now. I ended up replacing the chain and sprockets and some light bulbs. The vibration is still there but I am used to it now. The biggest thing is still the surging issue. I went out on Saturday and rode a while. Got up to 72 (on the speedo) and was cruising and it started slowing down even with throttle wide open. I let up and got to 65 and opened it back up and it wouldn't go any faster. I ended up turning down a side road and was going about 35 and it was fine.

Yesterday I was cruising about 50-55 and it started to surge again. You can feel the bike surge as well as hear the engine. It kinda came out of it but only after I sped up.

This morning I was going about 20 and it was doing it, then on my way home at about 40 it was doing it.

It always does it when first started which is kind of understandable. But not after 15 minutes of riding.

I have checked all the electrical connectors and the are all clipped on. Oil is fine and I am running premium fuel. It almost seems to me like the throttle position sensor has bad spots but it isn't constantly in the same spot in the throttle range.

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