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Old 06-03-2021, 08:00 AM   #1
Magician16   Magician16 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 472
Magician and KLX Explore Morton Co.

A buddy and I took a ride exploring Morton Co. in ND yesterday. We Spent most of the time on minimum maintenance roads, gravel, and section line two tracks. I was riding my Magician, and he was riding his KLX 250 most of the time, until we traded rides for 20 or 30 miles. Saw some beautiful country, but I didn't take any pics. Saw a huge Muley Buck in velvet with a couple of does. I would have taken pics, but I was using my phone to record the route with bikeometer. After 4 hrs., we had to head back because my bike only holds 1 3/4 gal of fuel. Used 1.4 gal of fuel for 92 miles.

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