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Old 03-11-2021, 03:39 PM   #14
Bill Hilly   Bill Hilly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 948
Originally Posted by Megadan View Post
Third option for tailgater. If they have the ability to pass you, reduce speed gradually. I get tailgaters a lot on dual lane roads, and this works better than you think. If they are adamant on staying behind you, the pull over and let them by tends to work the best. Now, if you are a braver sort with a mild temper issue like me, I just keep getting slower, and slower, and slower because I know it is likely driving them nuts... but I don't mind gambling with my own safety a bit. Plus, since I am on a bike it is plain as day that I am a rather large fellow, and people are less inclined to want to take it farther.
There are a couple of sections of broken lines on that particular straight stretch, and I probably should have waited till I got to one, but there are several wide spots that people who want to fish pull off onto, so I just pulled into one. It wasn't really a drastically fast stop, but I just forget to go down through the gears as I was stopping. I am getting the hang of the bike, and I normally do down shift while coming to a stop. I have been in town a lot on the bike, and I often as not, don't have to come to a complete stop at lights. I usually just walk my speed down by down shifting, and don't even have to put my feet down before the light turns green. Ripley would be considered a small city ,by national standards, and traffic flows pretty well through it. I am getting better on the bike everytime I ride it, and once I have been on a section of road a couple times I relax, and enjoy it more. I do a lot better when I'm not thinking about leaning the bike, and just let instinct take over. I'm just now getting used to canceling my signals. LOL.

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