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Old 03-11-2021, 10:50 AM   #11
tknj99   tknj99 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bill Hilly View Post
I normally do gear down as I stop, or slow, but I was a little frustrated, because I had a car on my bumper the whole time I was going through a curvy section of road, as soon as I got on the long straight stretch that runs along Elk Fork lake I pulled over. I am new to this, but I was running the 35 mph speed limit in the curves, but most locals drive the road a lot faster than the speed limit. The name of the road is Gay Road, but it's nickname is "The 500" (which is better than Gay road LOL) .I was raised out there, and in a car ,I'm guilty of running faster than the posted speed. I would never tailgate anyone like I was being tailgated though.
I can understand your frustration, but dont let any $%%@&^*! make you panic into an emergency stop, especially since you never know what kind of debris may be on the shoulder or other obstacles. If you dont feel comfortable speeding up then maintain the speed you are comfortable and let them wait.
I'll tell you this, though, once you do get the comfort level you should be able to lose most cars in the twisties.. i know i can even with knobbies.
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