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Old 12-29-2020, 10:45 PM   #6
GronkFries   GronkFries is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Maine
Posts: 111
Sorry you had a bad experience with your purchase. You managed to mostly save the Christmas experience which is huge, and way to go!

Not sure you'll get anywhere with the displacement claims. Somehow manufacturers are getting away with stating the displacement of the "class" of vehicle being sold in a lot of different makes & models. My guess is tariffs and racing size limits.

The poor customer service was a no no however. Christmas on a Friday is huge temptation for some businesses to shut down for sometimes over a week due to how the holidays fall in. If that's the case you may find Monday the 4th will be the day of reopening if nobody is answering today. A small guess but might be possible, even though the dealer has no excuse for it.

Yes you have some sort of buyer protection with different rules regarding debit/credit cards but in addition it would be best to write a good old fashioned certified snail mail letter as well (If you don't get the problem worked out soon).

I think the sign on the inside of the 'ol warehouse door was turned to "Closed", and will not turn back to "Open" until the prescribed time.

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