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Old 05-16-2008, 01:56 PM   #42
GY_Racing   GY_Racing is offline
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here is what I think is happening. They don't even know what they are talking about. They even said that motox was not an AL dealer after I talked to Brian he told me he was so I called back they said he was not and then after awhile of arguing they said oh wait a minute I guess he is. I think they have at least a few morons that pick up the phone im not sure who to believe because they give me conflicting information. Is Shawn authorized to speak for them? If so I would like to contact him directly to get this taken care of once in for all and find out if my vin is grey or not. AL is starting to sound a lot like the DMV, it all depends on who you talk to there or who you get.. One thing is for sure the guys that pick up the phone over there were rather rude joking around about me having to just use my bike to check the mail. They also seem to have bad business ethic as a whole for many other confirmed things they have said like how they refuse to sell parts for gray bikes and how they do not help out customers that buy them as its not the customers fault. I told them if my bike was gray why not go after the dealer? They told me it was my problem not theirs. The whole ethic there leaves a really bad taste in your mouth. I really think I will try my luck with the bird company for my next bike. It may take awhile but the truth will come out about how company's like them operate and how they treat their customers.

Let's put it this way.. When I called them I expected them to tell me not to worry that they were going to go after F.I and get to the bottom of it. Instead they told me it was my fault for buying a gray bike unknowingly and I was on my own. Their threat about going after the dealers was not to better serve the customer but to make sure to make the most money and create a monopoly.

We really need to start a live chat for issues like this, the forums are not effective for this kind of debait thats why we keep getting OT.
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