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Old 07-31-2020, 06:46 PM   #3
Joshcb7   Joshcb7 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: USA
Posts: 18
Cool. I dont wanna get to crazy and I did re=route most of the first half of my trip but I figured for day 1 about 130 miles and see how it goes from there. The Most I have done in a day on the Tbr7 is 60ish Miles. I have a couple stops planned for cool down time(planned by looking at satellite maps and finding cool things), Not sure how much of a difference it will make because the top end and exhaust cools normal ,But the low end takes all day to really cool. 10 minutes of riding could be the same temps as 1hr idk.
I figured there are camp spots at 130 miles(Bear Mountain N.Y.) but if its still early and going good I can go another 60 miles to the original day 1 stop in P.A. From there its another 140ish miles to the MABDR expert section. By then maybe ill have an idea of whats realistically possible. The expert section is 10 miles and after that I get back on my own route.
All of this is loosely planned and could go in the mountains more(Skyline drive) Or just stay in the farm land,Anything but city's. I have it printed with a skyline drive route or from the same gas station go a different route. I wanted to use my new Gopro GPS for the elevation changes because I start at sea level but my PC isn't windows 10 and quik on mobile only adds speedo I think. That took the wind out of my sails about my mountain route. Also breaking down around farm land is probably better then breaking down in the mountains on the tourist routes. Its a lot to think about.
I have extra tubes, an extra chain, a gallon of T6 Rotella, 28w Solar panel, and so much im probably way over packed and I keep trying to reduce the load. The lighter the load the more enjoyable the ride. Some of the videos of the MABDR riders on 1200cc BMWs take 5 days to complete it so IDK.
99 XT225,01 CR250r, 2016 Tao Tao Thunder50, 2019 Tbr7 17T front sprocket 39T rear sprocket 110main jet

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