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Old 07-29-2020, 06:12 PM   #37
crabjoe   crabjoe is offline
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Location: Ceciltucky
Posts: 188
Originally Posted by dgl57 View Post
My next question to Tao was do you think it will at least be in 2020? I just received this message in return...

"To be honest sir I am not sure. I definitely think it is possible, but the factory is trying to make as many units as possible to restock all the branches over here in the states. First they have to make the product they know will sell for the upcoming season then they make everything else."

I swear, why don't these people just tell the truth instead of feeding us BS.

If they're building them, they know exactly how many are coming off the line. With that, they know when they will have enough for a freight container and when they might be able to ship. I'm talking reasonable estimates.

As for sales volumes because of pre-orders. That they might not know since the dealers are hold them. Still, they should be able to say we're making 30 of this model a day, so every four days, we ship 3 containers of them.

BTW, how can any manufacture not know how many they are making to figure out when they expect to ship?

Oh.. A few weeks ago, I emailed Tao USA. The person that responded to me said they had no idea when they would receive inventory because they were not in the dept that handles it. They said to contact the dealer so they can find out using their contact.

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