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Old 05-15-2008, 07:07 PM   #44
kelly5150   kelly5150 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 446

ImEazy ,

I know what it's like being sick . It sucks , and this year it got me once but it got me good and long . Cut my smoking in half !

As you know, I can Spring anything , even my dog if I want to , so I should be able to figure out the footpegs

My Gal bought me a Registered AKC Tennessee Beagle pup for my B-Day , so she has been keeping me hopping lately let me tell ya. That dog has more gusto than I will ever or ever did have. As much as I miss my recently departed pal Cola, I am enjoying a new dog now too . Doesn't make me miss the one less, just takes my mind off a little , and I am a dog person, so I need a dog around to feel American at least .

The Kill switch thing is puzzling though ? No reason that should not work ?
Obviously its wired wrong , or you have two kill switches that are bad ? Not likely that both are bad , likely neither are bad . All a kill switch is is a wire interupter anyway, so wire them oposite of what you had them wired up and you shoudl be good to go ? Or what your trying to wire them to is NOT what you should wiring them to. On your harness you should have wires for the kill switch and for electric start . Shouldn't be too difficult to figure that out for the kill switch . Wish I was there, we would have that licked in ten minutes max .
I hate used bikes too , but you have to figure all this stuff out ona new bike eventually too . It is the buying someone elses crappy work that I can't stand on a used bike . My Harley was terrible when I bought it . The guy did not even have a master link lock on the chain and let me ride it home that way . On the freeway no less 8O I made the first eight payments six months late it pissed me off so much. He was supposed to be a friend mind you . I wound up replacing the entire electrical system on the bike . He said everyhting was perfect. It died onme the first time after I rode it home . After that I learned Harley electronics 101 from scratch, self taught, reading and doing. Now I know what and how it all works . I used to let others do my electrics for any of my bikes, but no more, I dive right in and get er done . I really like to know how systems work .

Well, hope you feel better soon enougha nd can get some riding in ImEazy , am sure you need it witht he kids driving you nutts and all 8O

Cheers, Kelly out

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