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Old 06-21-2020, 08:19 PM   #19
Working_ZS   Working_ZS is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 365
Originally Posted by ChopperCharles View Post
Well shit. My SSR Buccaneer just broke the frame. I’m a few months after warranty time wise, but would still be within mile wise. I am hoping SSR sees the damage and can do something for me, as it’s the result of a design flaw. (Passenger section of frame loop under seat is completely unsupported). If they treat me well it’ll be a no brainer. If they don’t... I might get the csc instead.

SSR has treated me pretty well so far though, so I’m confident they’ll at least meet me halfway.

Did the steel tubing itself break or a weld? Looking at pictures of the bike on Revzilla's review, it is hard to tell if the seat frame is replaceable separately from the main frame of the bike, hopefully it just bolts on to the main frame. If it is welded, the only options would be a total frame replacement or welding the broken section. A total frame replacement might be too big of a pill for SSR to swallow, although if it were me running things, I would do it anyway just for the good PR that it would bring. Here's to hoping that's the path that they choose. If not, welding is still a valid fix, just not my first choice.

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