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Old 02-10-2007, 01:39 PM   #6
dlunt   dlunt is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Camby, Indiana
Posts: 494
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Did you still have the stock tires on it when you got stuck?
Those things aren't worth diddley in the mud, or wet grass.

Your picture of the stuck bike sure brought a big smile to my face!
I usually go out exploring places solo too.
I somehow got the back end of my bike stuck in about a 2 ft deep, wet, grassy hole last fall.
It only took about 5 minutes to finally get the thing out.
Irritating at the time but funny to think back about.

BTW: Great pictures!

I have lived in Indiana for around 40 years and rode all sorts of places that I shouln't have been. I have been stopped quite a few times over the years. Usually the cops just tell you that you shouldn't be there. I politely reply with an astonished look..."Really? Oh sorry I didn't realize that. I will leave. Thanks for letting me know."

So far so good... :wink:
I am sure I will eventually meet up with a police officer or park ranger when they are having a bad day.

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