Thread: Getin' Low.
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Old 05-03-2020, 12:51 AM   #18
Megadan   Megadan is offline
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The Verdict.

So, now that the bike is back together and more or less setup how it should be I can weigh in on the changes.

For starters, and I don't know why, I did have to remove two links from my 520 chain. Not a big deal, just a potential change to be aware of if you decide to do this conversion. I even took a picture of my chain before I removed said two links just as evidence of of much slack I had when the axle was all the way forward.

Now, moving on to the changes I want to start with the shock itself. It cost less than the Keoghs shock I ordered from Aliexpress and in terms of quality and functionality is in a whole different world. I almost wish there was a retailer we could order this shock in lengths specific to these bikes. The rebound adjustment is highly functional, and I got it dialed in almost perfectly within a couple of adjustments. Compression damping is almost perfect as well.

In regards to the 1000lb spring rate. I was nervous that it would not be enough for my weight if I hit the right kind of bump/depression. So, I actively went out to hit a couple of bumps that I have bottomed out an original Hawk rear shock on. Not only did I hit them, I hit them harder than I did on said original shock, and not one problem emerged. Quite pleased. I am a Fast Ace believer now.

Comfort level is off the charts improved. If it wasn't for the stock seat foam being too soft I feel like I could ride my Hawk for hours cross country.

Handling and braking are also surprisingly much better. Not only just because of the rear shock, but I also think that the weight shift to the rear tire and off of the front has helped balance the bike more. Cornering is much more confident and stable feeling. Hard braking also results in a lot less nose dive than before, again, the shift in weight distribution has likely played a big role in this.

I can honestly say that I think this upgrade has turned my Hawk into a very road competent dual sport that can still handle some mild off roading action without much issue.
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