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Old 04-18-2020, 04:06 PM   #1
lilgman   lilgman is offline
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Lesotho
Posts: 105
Celebrating Martial Law in Lesotho

So this morning the Prime Minister of Lesotho declared martial law and the military has taken over the streets of the capital city. To celebrate, I went for a ride in the uninhabited grazing lands east of where we live. (Actually, I planned to go riding now matter what the politicians do, but it's a good excuse.)

The ride was mostly on single tracks or making my own tracks across grazing land for the first half. I had a little trouble getting across the first donga (canyon caused by erosion during the rainy season) because there was enough water running to turn the sand into quick sand. I buried my front wheel to the axle the one place tried to cross. Fortunately I went real slow down over the edge to see if the sand was "quick" or not, otherwise I would have buried the whole bike. (Been there and done that several times with an old DT175. It's a LOT lighter to lift out!) I finally got across further upstream and went over to the next drainage. There I found this pretty little canyon. That's what the pictures are of. (Sorry, I can't seem to get them rotated right. They're fine on my computer, but no matter how I change them, they want to lie on their sides!)

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I found a porcupine quill and some tracks:

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And my bike waited patiently at the top for me while I climbed down to check the canyon out.

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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