Thread: $5895 for RX4
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Old 10-19-2019, 12:01 PM   #157
Working_ZS   Working_ZS is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 365
You Have To Have Them To Ride Them

Most of the bikes are still in the shipping pipeline, so nothing to report now, and probably won't be for another week to ten days. You have to actually ride it, in order to have anything to report, good or bad; and only two people that I know of have one in their hands, and one of them isn't even plated yet. Still waiting for mine, which is due no later than the 30th of this month. With the weather turning cold in most of the US, I wouldn't expect to see a whole lot written until spring, when the weather breaks. The first batch of RX3's went into service back in the spring of 2015, if memory serves me right; and is probably the reason why so many reports popped up so quickly, since everyone could ride it straight off the bat.

No idea on sales figures, though I think it is safe to say that it will not sell in RX3 numbers, just due to the higher MSRP; but who knows for sure, I've been wrong before. CSC most likely did not order nearly as many RX4's as they do for the lower cost bikes, so if it becomes popular, fulfilling demand might become a problem, especially since Section 301 tariffs, at 25% (the US & China agreement of 10/11/19 only delays the increase to 30%, it doesn't remove any existing tariffs), are indeed still in effect for motorcycles (HST subheadings 87112000 & 87113000 are the two that cover most of CSC's models). The SG250 and TT250 are CSC's best sellers, by far; most likely due to their attractive MSRP's; I don't see the RX4 doing those kinds of numbers, for the aforementioned reasons.

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