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Old 09-20-2019, 10:01 AM   #23
djivery   djivery is offline
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 10
Thumbs Up Hawk Dlx from TXPS

Sorry I’m brand new to this form but I have seen a lot of negative comments about Manny from TX Powersports on here and I really don’t understand why people are giving him so much crap I’ve bought three of the brand new DLX hawks from him and plan on purchasing two more and if I needed anything whatsoever I call him he answers my phone calls the same day I text him he returns my text the same days I email him and he returns my emails the same Day and if I need any parts he gets a hold of RPS and the part show up at my door with no problem in my opinion on the man, he’s a great guy and I appreciate everything he’s done for me so not trying to cause any problems but I just wanted it to get it out there that maybe if someone is having problems with him maybe they just need to talk to him personally instead of bashing him publicly On a form that is priceless on information and help on these bikes just saying:thanks

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