Thread: New Ohio rider
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Old 08-23-2019, 02:29 PM   #9
OneLeggedRider   OneLeggedRider is offline
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Location: Stockport, Oh.
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Yes me and Mcfailbutter (Jay) live in Stockport Ohio and now have 2 fellow Hawk riders in the area to ride with and Jay's cousin Silas that has a 400cc Honda scooter that can easily outrun us lol.

The TBR7 is a great bike for the price and it sits maybe an inch shorter than the Hawk. Jay and I are both vertically blessed, I'm 6'2" and he's close to that. At 5'9" the TBR7 will be kinda tall for you but for $75 you can lower it 3 to 4 inches. I dropped my Hawk 3" in the rear so it would be easier to swing my leg across it and raised the front 1.25" just because I don't like the China bikes downhill syndrome.

We're too far apart to be riding buddies but we can definitely assist you with any questions about the TBR7 or Hawk. I'm also a certified motorcycle mechanic that worked 5 years in the industry and there's nothing complicated about these bikes. Let us know if you get one.

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