Thread: 300cc Kit
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Old 07-26-2019, 02:47 PM   #475
Gaijin   Gaijin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 85
No problem, it all worked out.

However, I am currently stuck. Spud put up an excellent tutorial on disassembling the top end, pictures and everything, but it starts off with little gems like "remove engine from frame."

I know some on here have said they've been able to do the job without removing the engine. I've gone about as far as I can go without some assistance. I've got the bodywork, radiators, and front part of the frame all off, and I've pulled every engine mount I can find (two from the front part of the frame, one from the cylinder head, and one from the back near the swingarm). And loosened the swingarm bolt. The engine is still firmly in place, showing no hint of wanting to move.

Any ideas what I'm missing?

Also -- on the intake -- that's the last area where the engine is connected to anything else, that I can see. There are two 8mm bolts that look like they hold the intake to the cylinder, but trying to remove them is impossible, they're just rounding the edges with an open-end wrench and it's not possible to get a socket wrench on there; the socket will go on but it's parallel to the intake tube and no wrench will fit. I tried removing the hose clamp under the assumption that I could just slide that hose off when the engine starts rotating forward, and thus the rest of the intake could stay attached. Does that sound reasonable?

Thanks for any assistance that can be offered. If there are any tutuorials on removing the engine or at least removing the mounts that will then let you work on the top end, I missed them.

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