Thread: Brozz-a-licious
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Old 06-30-2019, 06:35 PM   #21
herbie   herbie is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Illinois
Posts: 865
Well I've put a few hundred miles on the Brozz now and I really enjoy riding it, it's a fun light weight bike. I have had it to top speed several times and it max's out at 71mph on the digital speedometer but with my phone speedometer app it is only going 62.8 mph. That was bone stock without any modifications done and on flat ground with little to no wind push. For reference sake I am 192 pounds and 6' 1" tall. When I sit on the bike I can't flat foot it, the balls of my feet are on the ground and that's it, so I would say this is a pretty tall bike but I'm sure with a few adjustments or mods it could be lowered rather easily.

I would say only a couple of small complaints;
I had the gas cap leak on the first fill up but a simple O-ring fix and it hasn't leaked since.
The digital speedometer is off a little at low speed and gets off more and more as speed increases. I would say as much as 8mph at top speed.
And lastly as with all the Chinese enduro's it lacks a little in the engine department, it's not awful but for me it needs a few mods.

Recently I've done a few mods on it and will discuss it in another thread when I'm ready to. The time to top speed is better, meaning quicker acceleration but the engine has a wall at about 7000- 7500 rpm. I'm not sure if anything can be done about that but I will be working on it in the future.

As for now it does pretty good as an all around commuter and will hold 55mph pretty good so I can take it just about anywhere as long as I stay off the Interstates. It gets good fuel economy and seems to be a pretty sturdy and well built bike that will last a long time. I can take my hands off the handlebars at 55mph and it goes straight done the road and no death wobble, not even a twinge. ( I know I shouldn't take my hands off the bars, It was just a test)

I would say if you were considering a Brozz it is a good bike for the money and Peace Sports in Atlanta has parts for the bike which is great when you need them! In my experience with them they are a very good dealer and want to expand the Brozz sales across the US, maybe to be similar to the CSC tt250 but only time will tell.
All in all I'm happy with the purchase and look forward to making the Brozz just right for me!

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