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Old 06-27-2019, 06:30 PM   #68
Gaijin   Gaijin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 85
Just an update on this, something I got from Joe Berk's blog: the tank is 4.2 gallons. If there was nothing else in the tank, it would hold 4.2 gallons. But there's a big ol' fuel pump and float in the tank, and those take up space, so the USABLE capacity is more like 3.7 gallons.

And I will be leaving the float alone, as I ran out twice. Yes it comes on very early, but it's not that big of a deal. If you ride in town, and you keep your habits consistent, you'll know your average MPG and you can fill up based on the odometer. If you are riding long distances and you don't know what MPG you're getting, you might be shocked to find out it could be as low as 44 MPG (that's what I got on a long ride, full throttle, with a headwind). So my new practice is: when the dang light's flashing, fill it up. It beats pushing the bike on the side of a highway.

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