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Old 06-22-2019, 01:55 AM   #7
WalkerRidge   WalkerRidge is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1
I had an issue registering my hawk in Kansas. You can either make your own bill of sale but apparently that’s “frowned upon”.
What I had to do was register my bike in Vermont
Vermont doesn’t require anything under 300cc or older than 15 years old to have a title to be registered.

“But I don’t live in Vermont or near Vermont?” Yeah, I knew you’d say that. You can do it through mail without living in Vermont and it’s perfectly legal. Google “chin on the tank Vermont loophole.”

Tips if you choose to go this route: make sure you answer EVERY box that you have to or they’ll send it back. And I’d also ship priority

“But I don’t want to title it in Vermont”

In Kansas you can’t make a dirt bike street legal no ifs and or buts.... BUUUUT they honor other states laws so if someone made a dirt bike street legal in Missouri and tagged it in Missouri and then someone bought it in Kansas they could transfer the title and tag it in Kansas

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