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Old 06-17-2019, 05:45 PM   #7
Joshlaird   Joshlaird is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 47
Went to the DMV to register it and all... no go. Gotta send the MCO back to them because it’s not filled out. I called gokartsusa and he was really nice about it and they’re getting a new one right out to me instead of me sending it back to them. So once I have that it should be all good according to DMV. Their customer service has been really nice and helpful pretty much every time I’ve called. They seem to actually have decent customer service even after the initial sale. I’ve read some horror stories on customer service and product issues and other than my shipping issue I really think they do a good job. As long as you have some patience on shipping I think I can recommend gokartsusa.

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