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Old 06-15-2019, 08:13 PM   #7
Jay In Milpitas   Jay In Milpitas is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Milpitas, CA. USA
Posts: 775
Hi Gaijin.

Riding a Benelli indicates you are an experienced rider, and with that comes knowing that each machine has it's pros, cons, and limitations.

I've not gone to a big bore simply because I've learned over the decades that trying to make a bike something that it is not, just consumes money that could be more wisely invested in a more suitable bike. The RX3 is a quite capable 250. Change sprockets, change bars & seat and such to suit your comfort, but don't try to make it a budget KLR or DR 650.

If there is an alternate paper filter, I am not aware of it. As DPL096 has said, some have gone over to a washable metal filter. I have chosen to continue to order filters in the six-pack from CSC primarily because I believe in supporting the company (and the owner) that invested the money and effort to get the bike(s) emissions certified, upload the tutorials, and keep parts in stock (far better than my local Honda dealers) for us.

The only overheating incidents I recall were from low coolant levels. The whole system of 2 radiators, hoses and engine only take about 1 liter of fluid, so keeping it full is essential. As Peter said, they tend to run cool and a higher temp 'stat is a good idea to keep the engine happy, boil off water from the oil, and make the fuel injection run optimum. Note to self: I really should do Peter's upgrade.

Hope this helps. Happy riding.
Horse holder at Madame Orr's House.

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