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Old 06-01-2019, 11:27 AM   #9
glavey   glavey is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 74
Back in high school, I was known (rather fittingly) in my small group of friends as the socially inept computer geek. I was doing things with computers than I probably shouldn't have been. One day during lunch I bought a hotdog w/ ketchup and mustard. I was eating it with friends outside and I couldn't for the life of me get the damn ketchup packet open. Mutterings became curses and delicacy became HULK SMASH!

Friend 1: "Poor Glavey, he can hack into an NSA mainframe with a paper clip, but he hahahhhHAHAAHA... he can't open a freakin' ketchup packet"

Friend 2: "Didn't Einstein forget to wear pants sometimes?"

Me: "I'm not that dumb or that smart"

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