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Old 04-25-2008, 07:32 PM   #6
Absolut   Absolut is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Saugus, Ca
Posts: 12
I have a couple options....

I know a cop out here that might sign off on my REG343 form...

I have an uncle in AZ. that I'm sure would register it out there for a bottle of whiskey. I just hope to local PD doesn't wise up to the AZ plated bike they see all the damn time :laugh:

And for whats its worth, I called the seller. Basically im SOL in that route, we didn't have a contract, or even a reciept for that matter. I gave him cash, he signed the DMV bill of sale form. Included with the bike was a registration form that I thought was THE registration form, on closer inspection its really the RED sticker paperwork (no red sticker with it) and according to him, he never recieved a letter from the DMV revoking the plate. He did tell me that I might have an issue renewing it, but I dismissed that as I already had the plate. (didn't know it wasn't valid)

Ahhh, lesson learned, atleast it only cost me $900 and if nothing else works out I do have a dirt bike in the end.

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