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Old 05-21-2019, 11:36 AM   #10
o2jmpr   o2jmpr is offline
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Location: Des Moines, IA
Posts: 120
Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 View Post
That's the one I'm using with an extra cooler.

I guess I need a "for dummies" explanation of the install. When you say your feeding from the bottom, do you mean the cooler or the engine? Your oil screen hose is on the bottom of the cooler, so if you were feeding to the cooler, then the particulates it catches seems like they would just fall back down the hose to the engine when it was shut off.

I don't understand the relationship of top feed vs bottom. Liquids always find their own level, so it seems when the bike was shut off, the oil in the hoses would always run back down to the oil level in the block and leave a little bit trapped in the cooler itself so you would always be starting the engine with a bit of air in the system unless you put check valves on both hoses when the cooler is mounted anywhere above the engine.

Help fix my ignorance I did order this cooler kit.

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