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Old 05-16-2019, 09:58 AM   #7
wedooit   wedooit is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Pocatello, Idaho
Posts: 794
Welcome herbie! I bought the BMS250crp for my wife. Venders list the seat height wrong, it is actually 35" approx. I looked at the storm. Megdan gave me some advice to me....I don't think he would mind me sharing...

"As far as which bike to get. I view most of these bikes as basically all the same horse in a different color. That being said, of the 4 bikes you are considering, I would split them into two groups. Group 1 is the "big wheels," which would be the Hawk and CRP 250. Group 2 is the "small wheels," or the TBR7 and Storm.

Group 1 advantages are specifically the bigger wheels. They will be better for off road, and finding tires is way easier since they use common sizes available from everywhere. The main disadvantage is obviously the seat heights are taller, at 34-35 inches.

Group 2 advantage = lower seat heights and counter balanced motors (less vibration). The disadvantage is that they can be annoying to find tires for.

Other than that, there isn't much between them. Same basic designs, engines, etc.

If it was me, I would go for a Group 1 bike if the main intent was off road riding. Then I would do the Seat Concepts seat and/or a shorter rear shock as needed to make it manageable for the height of the rider.

If I were going to choose between either of those two bikes, I would honestly recommend the CRP250 before the Hawk. However, if budget is really tight, you could easily get a Hawk. The Hawk is plenty capable of what you want to do.

I would say plan out either bike. Cost of the bike delivered, upgrades needed to make it work for you, and any other mods you would like to do, add it up, and see which bike fits the budget that you have to work with and make that the real deciding factor. "

If seat height is a factor, check out northrider posts, as they shaved the seat and did a great job. 2lz told me that if you order the seat from csc, you only get the cover and the foam. so for $200 or what ever it is, I would, and we are going to shave the seat ourselves.

Now, I am not sure, but the blue eagle brozz from peace sports, could be a counter balanced engine. You will have to check on that.

I looked at the Storm, as a dealer in Salt Lake had some, nice bike! Counter balanced engine. Don at apmc has some good pricing on these. if you contact him he might make a better deal. I almost bought one from him. Chiptoothy here has many miles on his storm and loves it!

I researched these bikes for almost two months, drank too many cups of coffee, and a few beers at nite reading posts and deciding what to do.

If you need some advice on the bms250crp, let me know.

good luck and welcome here!!!! by the way, I have a few or many grey hairs, and hate to admit I am older dude, but still enjoy that throttle sensation!
A family that works together, plays together, shoots and trains together, and sleds together, stays together. Second amendment! SkiDoo sleds, NOW 2 TTR225, and a BMS250. A couple of quotes (we are not farmers) "I don't get off the farm much" "Am too old school" I call the china bikes "the china syndrome".

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