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Old 04-17-2019, 11:58 AM   #17
Azhule   Azhule is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: CO
Posts: 1,525
There is a reason I only ride "Dual Sports" out on public roads... it gives me several more options to "get the hell out of the way"!

Everywhere I look is now a potential way "to freedom!"

I have lost count of how many times I had to split lanes (still illegal out here!), hop sidewalks, and a few times I even had to ride down and up a few ditches/medians to keep myself out of harms way... a couple times I did those acts in front of a cop whom needed to have a few words with me... flat out told them "I only ride like that to potentially save my life from a distracted driver" (that is now long gone)

Lost a few friends over the years, mostly due to them riding too fast for their protection used (one friend would barely put on a helmet when he went out on his turbo'd liter bike... RIP)

Keep your head on a swivel and remember you're invisible...
"Think as you like... but this self proclaimed Professor is always right" - Buckshot

"You never know what someone is hiding beneath their smile..." - NinjaTom - R.I.P.

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