Thread: 300cc Kit
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Old 04-09-2019, 08:50 PM   #420
NzBrakelathes   NzBrakelathes is offline
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Originally Posted by Juanro View Post
I'm in the process of tunning a universal efi kit I fitted to my RX3 (originally carburated here in Argentina). It's a chinese knock off losely based on the Microsquirt. I learned quite a few thingsā€¦ the one you mentioned being one of them. One (small, really) issue I'm having is that despite this chinese ECU being almost fully programable, it retards ignition on close throttle/coasting wich causes popping and backfires, no matter how much fuel I add or cut on the map for that situation, and that functionallity seems to be hard coded in the firmware and there is no parameter to set it (or disable it). But besides the race car blurb on deccel it Works great, so I've learing to live with it.

Just in case anybody is curious, this is the one I have:


Was looking into some other EFU stuff and ZRojo as some bikes have issues with those.
I am getting to a point where I think most of these kits are not well tuneable but they might self learn, the overall function isn't as great as it all might sound and seems they are fairly unsophisticated and not being as good at possible altitude changes or condition changes.

These kits seem popular for scooters or some street bikes maybe.
Be interesting to hear if the EFI conversion is all you expected it to be or if the costs are worth the change for what you hoped or needed it to do.

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