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Old 02-09-2019, 02:09 PM   #14
bwhite757   bwhite757 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 20
culcune, thanks for the additional bikes. I have pretty much looked at all of them. A big thing I look at is seat height due to how tall I am. I'm 6'5", and find I tend to be more comfortable on bikes with higher seat heights. The Hawk seems to have all the bikes you mentioned beat on that. Also I look for differences that would warrant the higher price, and again have a hard time justifying paying more for something that's essentially the same bike. I am pretty much sold on the Hawk, just trying to get opinions on the upgrade portion. I have lots of "toys" in the garage, so realistically the Hawk will see maybe a weekend a month as far as use goes once the newness wears off, but I do want it to run as good as it can for when I do get to use it!

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